

Workers Comp + Pain Management Made Easier

Suffering an injury from a workplace accident while you are performing your duty can cause pain in your spine, your back, and throughout your body. At Spine Plus, we specialize in comprehensive spine health and pain management services specifically tailored to address work-related injuries. Our seamless case management, renowned doctors, accommodating workers’ comp claims processing, and 24/7 call center are all the tools you need to achieve better health.
Workers’ Compensation Case Management +

Total Case


Workers’ Compensation Case Management +

For Your Car Accident Injury

A healthcare concierge will be appointed to your particular case in order to coordinate care between various specialists and assist in your workers compensation claim until your spine recovers and your pain is managed.

Renowned Care Through Workers’ Comp +



Renowned Care Through Workers’ Comp +

To Recover From Pain

Thanks to our location in the world renowned Houston Medical Center, Spine Plus provides top-quality specialized care by the best of the best doctors and surgeons that are easily accessible through workers’ compensation.

Workers’ Comp Compatible 24/7 Care +



Workers’ Comp Compatible 24/7 Care +

Auto Injury Hotline

Our call center is available to take non-emergency calls 24/7. Our team will get you an initial appointment and handle all future scheduling, workers’ comp claims coordination, and billing with all of your specialists.



Spine Health Starts With Spine Plus

Spine Plus exists to serve patients injured in work-related accidents who need spine and pain management specialists. At Spine Plus, you do not have to go through the stress of coordinating your own care while experiencing excruciating pain. You should focus on healing instead. With our pristine case management, renowned roster of specialists, workers compensation claims compatibility, and 24/7 care, we are here to make taking care of your spine easy and seamless.

Patients Recovered
Cases Won
Lawyers We Work With

Comprehensive Treatments & Services

Thanks to Spine Plus’s state-of-the-art facilities and exceptional specialists, we can treat numerous spine health issues, including:
  Joint Pain Management
  Back Pain Management
  Neck Pain Management
  Hip Pain Management
  Sports Injury
  Herniated Disk
  Pinched Nerves
  Spine Compression
  Spinal Fusion
  Work-Related Injury
  Workers Comp Claims Cases
  Repetitive Stress Injuries
  Overexertion Injuries
  Traumatic Brain Injury
  Joint Pain Management
  Back Pain Management
  Neck Pain Management
  Hip Pain Management
  Sports Injury
  Herniated Disk
  Pinched Nerves
  Spine Compression
  Spinal Fusion
  Work-Related Injury
  Workers Comp Claims Cases
  Repetitive Stress Injuries
  Overexertion Injuries
  Traumatic Brain Injury

We Treat Traumatic Brain Injuries

Spine Plus Lets You Focus on Healing

As a patient, your greatest concern should be healing and getting back to your normal day-to-day enjoyments without pain and spine concerns getting in the way. We will handle everything for you in one place so you can do just that. If you’re ready to manage your pain and improve your spine health, please contact us. We look forward to helping you.
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example phone number: 123-456-7890
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We accept all insurance plans, workers compensation claims cases, and cash pay


Spine Plus is based out of the renowned Houston Medical Center. Spine health can significantly hinder your work productivity, abilities, and comfort, which is why we are proud to help you manage your pain and achieve better spine health with ease. Entrust your recovery to our passionate team complete with a healthcare concierge that accommodates workers compensation cases, the nation’s top doctors, and 24/7 call center.

Contact Us

2500 E TC Jester Boulevard
Houston, Texas 77008


Consulting Hours

M-F 9am - 5pm